
Feb 09, 2004 Newsletter
May your days be filled with unconditional love, joy, empowerment, abundance,
and fun!
The Winter has been a very rich time for me. I read the best book on energy
healing I have ever read: The Reconnection by Eric Pearl. I highly recommend
it. I also have found this Tobias channeling very helpful:
I have been delving deeply in the power of shifting realities. The main lesson
seems to be in choosing and affirming the story of the reality that brings the
greatest empowerment, joy, and love. The stories we choose to put to life and
situations in our life greatly... GREATLY... impact our perceived reality.
Ever since my prayers last June to help others shift their realities more
quickly, I increasingly experience tangibly the effect of the story I play in
my mind on the reality I experience. For years it has been clear to me that we
are under a constant state of hynosis based upon the thoughts we choose to
think, and the words we choose to hear. Last Fall, I found myself with cold
symptoms, and when I finally said to myself, "This is silly... I am a pattern
of energy... and I choose to be the pattern of energy without the cold
symptoms.", I felt my body realign and buzz with energy. Then, when I thought
to myself, "But now I will have no excuse not to work tomorrow.", I felt the
cold symptoms come back. It was only by consciously choosing to feel well and
have fun working that I fully put off the cold symptoms.
A few weeks ago, I learned firsthand how our choice of story can reverberate
through our life very tangibly. I found Spirit giving me an experience to shed
light on my remnants of fear and mistrust. During some lovemaking with one of
my lovers, I found myself surprised by his actions which did not match my
expectations or stories. And rather than trusting him, or trusting my Spirit to
be taking care of me, I allowed things to continue out of fear and unconscious
choice, and did not express some feelings of pain and concern. I felt like
because of some roleplay agreements that I had no choice in the present moment,
and that I had seriously misjudged his care for me. My deepest fears grew into
terror for a few moments, and, yet, I felt I had no room to express my
feelings. We eventually finished our lovemaking and parted ways. I tried to
gloss over things and never mentioned my concerns or what feelings had come up.
The next day I found myself crying uncontrollably. With a bit of mental
exploration, I realized I had the feeling of date rape. I explored that feeling
and realized that I had a certain story of procedure and protocol that had been
violated. I shared my feelings with my friend, and discovered that he had held
no intentions of hurting me, and had had no idea of what was going on. I
accepted his apologies and tried to Reiki myself into unconditional love and
A few days later, I found myself crying again. Deep tears. When I dug deeper
and shared what was going on with me with my lover, I discovered that we had
completely different stories on protocol and procedure. And I pinpointed the
moment in our lovemaking where I had given up my empowerment, and given up my
trust in my Spirit to take care of me, and in my trust of my lover's concern.
Nonetheless, I went through days of  what in one paradigm might be called post
traumatic stress, and in another paradigm, emotional detoxification. I used the
story of post traumatic stress to allow myself to get my tears out, but I
centered in on the story of emotional detox to release blame, to forgive, and
to harvest the experience as a gift. I see that my Spirit worked hard to create
such an experience for me. It was the perfect opportunity to see what stories
of fear and mistrust I still harbor, and to see how such stories can tangibly
affect the reality of the emotional/physical state. It was also an excellent
opportunity to see how two people experiencing something together can have two
entirely different experiences based on the stories they choose to apply to the
situation. And because of my relationship with my friend, based on very open
sharing of our thoughts, I was able to find out his story and my story and see
how they more than shaded our individual experiences of the same time together.
I see how if I had chosen to express my feelings in that moment, or had I
chosen to trust my Spirit working through him, I might have had a completely
different experience. Probably a lot more pleasant, though perhaps not so
educational in the long run.
The experience illustrated to me how important it is for us to be totally
present, making conscious empowered choices based on trust, and communicating
our feelings as needed. It further illustrated how our own inner stories impact
our realities.
The experience has also taught me further the importance of choosing the
empowerment paradigm... trusting that our lives are the sum total of our
intentions and our Spirit's choices for our highest good. For only by trusting
that my Spirit worked through him, can I truly harvest and forgive the
experience. Only then can I move on in my lovemaking in a place of trust. This
forgiveness is not about condoning past behavior, nor does it necessarily mean
we will choose to be together again, but rather that I can BE as I wish to be
now, stronger and better for the experience. And, next time, I can choose
different paths.
Based on the experience, I am choosing to trust that the universe always
supports and nurtures me, as I do it, without judgment.  Yes, I can direct my path towards what brings me more joy, but I need not live in fear any longer... trusting myself to transmute fears into a safe reality whether by action, thought, and/or prayer. Trusting Spirit in the long run.
I trust that I can depend on the Universe and my Spirit to provide for me, just by being myself. And that I also support the Universe just by being myself. How can we help but be interdependent? The hugs, the love, the words of wisdom, the space to share, are all there. Perhaps not always according to our expectations, but really according to perfection if we believe in it.
I bless you that you might choose your stories well! And that only the best
stories manifest!
Check out my journaling pages on my website for more of my writings.