
April 07, 2004 Newsletter
Vibrational Changes
It seems to be an intense time for many of us lately. Fear and lack of focus
seem common. My sense is that we are coming more and more into a state of pure
consciousness as the Earth's vibration increases (Greg Braden describes this in
Awakening to Zero Point and also Walking Between the Worlds).
More than ever it is time to focus on BEING how you want to be, affirming your
empowerment, trust, unconditional love and joy. As the earth's vibration
increases, we get closer to a place of pure consciousness and each thought
seems to manifest more quickly. It takes a bit of discipline to counter our
fears and judgments with affirmations of trust and unconditional love.
Harvesting Criticism and Judgment
The more we look for separation and mistrust, the more we find it. I was just
visiting extended family back East. Community members complained of fear of
judgment. But as I listened to various members I realized that if everyone was
afraid of judgment, who was left to be judging? And really, our internal judge
is the hardest one. Believing in ourselves and aligning our actions with how we
wish to BE ameliorates fear of judgment. Additionally looking at our own
propensity towards judgments and breaking those patterns shifts us all into new
ways of BEING.
I urge you to take your feelings of judgment and transmute them by affirmation
and action. When we judge or criticise someone, what we are really saying is we
like to do things differently. The victim of our judgement may have different
likes, or may be ignorant of being differently. By taking our judgment and
expressing and affirming how we simply like to be, we can share our gift of
vision with the world through example. And when we fear judgment of our own
actions, it is important to check in with ourselves and if we are comfortable
with how we have been.
For example, I overheard a disgruntled fellow make the comment that "People
don't know how to take care of pans!" as he discovered a steel wok that had
rusted because it wasn't wiped dry and seasoned with oil after it was washed.
Clearly, this fellow has a gift of teaching others how to take care of iron and
steel cookware. If he harvests his displeasure, he can become a teacher and
help keep the pans in prime condition.
A useful formula for when we find ourselves angrily criticizing or judging
others, is to reframe the situation as follows: that's not the way I like
things===> how would I like things to be? ====> how can I facilitate things to
be the way I like them. By reframing things from a place of likes and dislikes,
we can remove the sting of expectation and right and wrong. It allows us to
find a bit of detachment. Really, each moment in life can be reduced to asking
for what we want. Then we either get it, or we don't. Asking for what we want
translates into intention. When our intentions appear to fail, then we simply
haven't gotten what we thought we wanted yet! We can ask again, or change our
Sometimes we might realize that other people want things differently, and allow
them their choices as we would have them allow us our choices. Sometimes we can
take the opportunity to share with others our perspective and experience about
a subject. Rather than seeing failure, we can see opportunities for education
and growth.
There are so many ways of looking at things... so many stories and realities
that people choose to live... it is clear that there is not One Way that is
better than others. The important thing is that people are happy and enjoying
the stories they are living.
With fear, we can take action to ameliorate the feared situation and/or make a
prayer for things seemingly out of our control. By shifting our attention to
how we would like things... to setting an intention for things to BE that way,
we create a new path away from the fear and towards the preferred outcome.
One of my clients was recently working on getting citizenship papers. He was
suffering from anxiety and fear of not receiving them. He couldn't relax into
feeling at home. Apparently the beauracratic process could take months. So we
did some Reiki with the intention of releasing the pattern creating the anxiety
and setting specifically the intention for approval for citizenship. Soon!
Simply asking the Universe for what he wanted. Asking. Letting go. Trusting
that whatever the outcome, it will be perfect. The next week, he came in very
happy. His papers had come a few days after our session, and they were dated
the day of our previous session.
It is helpful to trust ourselves from a place of empowerment. I like to believe
that our lives are the sum totals of all of our intentions, with the possible
exception of when our highest Spirit kicks in to give us something better. Our
intentions include all our thoughts and rules of life. For instance, if I want
more money, but feel like there is something inherently wrong with being rich,
then I will likely get a seesaw affect with my desire for money being countered
by my belief that too much money is somehow bad. The beauty of the empowerment
paradigm, is that it gives us the potential to change the next moment... to
undo the patterns that we don't like. When we don't get what we want, it is
useful to trust in the perfection, and ask why our Spirit might have chosen
that path?
Last Fall, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by Spritual experiences that seemed
to be taking me to a void between realities almost daily. I knew it was part of
my prayers for healing. But still it was a bit disconcerting to be riding my
bike down a city street and feel myself leaving my body. I asked Spirit to work
with me in a safe expediant manner... so I always knew and know that if that is
on my bike, then it is fine. But still, I felt the need to create support in my
life through discipline and relationships. In fact, I set the intention for
supportive ongoing relationships. And the next day, I met a fellow online who
seemed just that. One day, I expressed that I felt I was an emotional mess, and
he mirrored my own oftsaid words: "You are just a pattern of energy!"...
reminding me that it was I had a choice of being a mess or not. We had a rather
intense relationship for several months, spending hours chatting each day, and
also spending some time together in person. During one of our encounters, I
ended up not expressing my feelings and feeling date raped. I fairly quickly
realized that I had made some choices based on fear, rather than trust. Still,
I went through weeks of emotional detox, or, what western medicine would call
post traumatic stress. After the first few days of sorting out stories, my
friend suddenly disappeared...not responding to my emails. And so I was left
without my "support system"...the one person that knew me best and how to help
me find my empowerment gone.
What did I do? Well in between being miserable, angry, and blaming him and
myself, I began to look at the situation as a gift from my highest Spirit. At
one point, I had set the intention for him as my Owner (it was a BDSM
relationship at times) to be a channel of my highest Spirit. By looking at
things this way, I could see that Spirit was teaching me about trust, about the
power of choosing a story in the moment, and independence. By having my friend
disappear on me, Spirit was teaching me to trust the Universe and my self from
a place of detachment, rather than codependency and expectation. By choosing to
see the experience as one of Perfection brought to me through my highest
Spirit, I was able to heal and grow much more quickly than by blaming and
anger. And I learned that in the moment, I must honor my feelings, whether they
meet my expectations or not.
(you can find more of this experience in my poetry:
http://www.dhamiboo.com/poetry.html )
Funny, just last week I was reading some words by a Native American elder
seeking reports from various faciliators of a ritual. And the elder asked for
them to report the lessons... what they had learned... but to omit the drama...
the stories that no longer served them. So I sum up my winter relationship by
saying, I am learning to trust and honor my feelings, and to trust myself and
the multilateral Universe to support me. My relationships are based on fun, not
Keeping On Track
To reiterate, during these times, it is important for us all to choose our
stories well. I pray that your highest intentions far outweigh your fears and I
leave you with this affirmation:
I am a Divine expression of life
I am a channel of Unconditional Love and Joy
I receive and channel abundance unconditionally
I am confident and trust myself as a channel of my own unique Divine Spirit
I am peaceful
I deserve and receive love and joy
I celebrate and enjoy life in my physical body in fun and nurturing ways
I harvest the Perfection of the Present and intentionally choose to cocreate
the next moment
I love myself, I love my life
Try it on! Recreate it to suit your personal challenges. For instance, if you
feel like you don't express your feelings, you might say "I speak my Spirit
clearly and appropriately". Repeat as often as you can during the day. Remember
to choose your story and your prayers in each moment. The time is now!